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2024 Awards - FREE2024 Anderson Prep Adoration Sound2024 Avon Accents2024 Avon Attraction2024 Avon MS Ambition2024 Brownsburg Dog Pound2024 Brownsburg MS Moonlight2024 Brownsburg Spotlight Singers & Co + FINALS2024 Brownsburg Starlight Voices + FINALS2024 Castle Knight Sensations2024 Castle Knightingales2024 Danville Contemporaires2024 Danville Delegation2024 Danville Executives2024 Fishers Electrum + FINALS2024 Fishers Sound + FINALS2024 Franklin Central Encores2024 Franklin Central Flight2024 Indian Creek Rhythmaires2024 Lawrence Central Sweets2024 Lawrence Central The Central Sound + FINALS2024 Lawrence North Bella Bravada + FINALS2024 Lawrence North Legacy2024 Mooresville Finesse2024 Mooresville Spotlighters2024 New Castle Red Hot Blues2024 Pendleton Heights Emerald Suites2024 Pendleton Heights New Edition2024 Pendleton Heights Pendletones2024 Plainfield Belles at Beaux + FINALS2024 Plainfield Femme Fatales + FINALS2024 Southmont Sudden Impulse